
You deserve to Live Happily and Authentically. Your Joy Is my Purpose.

Featured Courses

Excellence Model

Work-Life Balance doesn’t happen by trying to create a balance. Then that is like stepping on 2 boats. One needs to understand various dimensions related to the same in order to create a symphony.

With Self

Everyone knows that it all begins with Self. And yet, Self is the most neglected, most abused entity. When one is emanating self-criticism, judgements etc. all the time, how can there be balance and harmony in life?

Intelligence Blueprint

They say – thoughts are everything! But the hard fact is ‘we suffer our thoughts’. Controlling thoughts is a bad idea as it creates pressure cooker effect and that bursts someday. Learn how to deal with them and not fall victims of them.

Mind Blueprint

No-one likes to live in Fear, yet behind almost every action, fear is a great driver. Then, how can there be any balance or harmony? Learn the secrets of overcoming and dealing Fear so that it no more troubles you!

Relationship Blueprint

Relationships are an integral part of our life. However, our very fundamentals related to Relationship is unfortunately flawed. Learn what it takes to create a joyous relationship that is supportive of Harmony in life rather than stressing.

Harmony Intelligence

Khalil Gibran says, ‘Work is love made possible.’ For most of us, work is a means to an end. Learn how to transform various dimensions related to work so that it brings us fulfilment instead of exhaustion and stress.

Harmony Through
Bhagwad Gita

A sacred text which the world acknowledges to be the highest teacher for right and joyful living. But don’t the principles look good only as calendar texts? Learn how to make it practical for bringing happiness, peace and joy in your life.

Success Blueprint

In today’s world, one accepts stress as an integral part of life. To an extent that psychology argues that we need some stress to perform better. Discover the world beyond stress and learn how to imbibe the principles of life that can help you in leading a stress free life.

Finance Model

Money has got wings. It goes out with double the speed that it comes in with. Interestingly, hardly people understand that money is not about numbers but psychology. Learn the fundamentals of Personal Finance and be money smart.

Body Mastery

A vehicle that allows us to operate in the world effectively but we totally forget its importance and treat it with almost zero love. Master the principles of Body to function at high energy.

Emotions Mastery

On one side, world wants us to become Emotionally Intelligent, but contrastingly on the other side it says – Emotions make us human. Discover the reality and take charge of your emotions because you don’t want to be an Emotional Fool rather would want it to support you in reaching your highest good.

Mind Mastery

Mind is a great slave but a very bad master. Yet, our life is surrendered to how mind makes us move. Learn how to become a Master of Mind and make it serve you. 

Learn To Create Unmatched Work-Life Balance and experience 5X Productivity